Thanks to the financial support of our community and attendees, the organizers of DevOpsDays Boston were able to donate a total of $21,000 across three organizations: KodeConnect, YearUp, and Resilient Coders.

Additionally, our organization has put in place policies and processes to continue to allow us to support similar causes moving forward. This is in line with part of our broader mission to support underrepresented communities. Inclusion is vital to changing and improving the Boston DevOps scene.

We consider it one of our core responsibilities as organizers to encourage our community to come together to financially support other organizations that promote inclusion and equity. We would like to give a special thanks to all of this year’s participants who helped us raise $4,847 which is consistent with last year’s goal of donating 100% of net ticket proceeds. Based on other revenue and new policy measures, we were able to more than match that with an additional ~$16,000.

We are looking forward to future opportunities to serve the community and for others to get involved in organizing. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to